My Neighbors In Delray ©2001 Rod MacDonald My neighbors in Delray ate on Federal Highway there's a waitress at Denny's who remembers they had loud conversations and hit on all the waitresses and they weren't very good tippers My neighbors in Delray went to Miami one day worked out on a flight simulator then my neighbors in Delray stole a plane bound for L.A. flew it into the World Trade Center My neighbors in Delray went to the gym every day rented a condo, studied to be pilots they had rental cars, cell phones, used the library computers in town struck out with girls in local nightspots but my neighbors in Delray hated the American Way and lived only to die for a heaven where virgins train to serve and Allah is observed gratefully awaiting to reward them "Love thy neighbor," the Bible says "God is great," the prophets say wouldn't I love to know what God will say to my neighbors in Delray. My neighbors in Delray came from countries far away and lived here freely among us they studied all the ways of the good ol' USA thinking of ways to destroy us and my neighbors in Delray got on their knees and prayed for the strength to leave life behind them so my neighbors in Delray wouldn't be around to pay the price for all of their victims "Love thy neighbor," the Bible says "God is great," the prophets say wouldn't you love to know what God will say to my neighbors in Delray. My neighbors in Delray well I really couldn't say I would even recognize them walking thru the mall, or anywhere at all I know my other neighbors all despise them somewhere far away they don't care what the neighbors say so they would only criticize me but if my neighbors in Delray are in Paridise today it would very much surprise me. "Love thy neighbor," the Bible says "God is great," the prophets say don't you really know what God will say to my neighbors in Delray.
My Neighbors In Delray On this page are lyrics, and an article about the song in the Sun-Sentinel (Ft Lauderdale, FL).
This song is on Recognition, a new cd of 17 songs released 2002 by Brambus Records of Switzerlamd It is available by mail for $16 from
For mp3 There is the intention to make the song available through one of the mp3 sites; until that is acomplished, one can order an mp3 via email on the product page of this website.
For cd My Neighbors In Delray has been recorded, and is currently available on cd from Brambus Records in Switzerland, which can also be ordered from the product page on this website.
It is also available as a single song on a computer-generated cd or cassette, for free with the purchase from this site of any other cd.